shiv verma | photography

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A very pleasant surprise

Last week while doing a one-on-one photo lesson, I hear the UPS driver honk in my driveway.  I was not expecting any delivery but went out to see what he was delivering.  You have a big package and it's marked fragile so I will bring it in for you, he did.No indication on this big box as to the name of the sender except where it had been packed and shipped from.  On opening it I got the biggest surprise.  One of my wonderful Iceland Workshop participants had done an oil painting on canvas, had it framed and shipped out to us as a thank you - WOW - I thank you to Barbi.A painting that captures every element and the very essence of our trip. It will bring back memories of the wonderful trip and all the awesome places Iceland offered.I love all my workshop participants we have a good time and learn from each other.This small rendition does this painting very little justice but I had to photograph it and post it on my blog.