Announcing Two Yosemite & Mono Lake - Photo Tours and Workshops in September 2012
Yosemite National Park is one of America’s most iconic landscapes offering some of the world’s most spectacular landscape photo opportunities. The valley is surrounded by high granite mountain walls carved by glaciers creating beautiful shapes. The waterfalls are spectacular as are the lakes and streams in the park.Mono Lake is unlike any other landscape in the world. Its beautiful tufas, alkaline water, desert-like vistas make it a remarkable place for photography. Sometimes it seems that you are on another planet or may be on a lunar surface. The late summer weather generally provides some interesting cloud formations.
The first workshop dates are September 9th through 15th, 2012 and the second workshop will be held September 23rd through the 29th, 2012.
The workshops dates are designed to allow photographers attending the PSA Conference in 2012 to participate either before or after the conference.
Click Here for Details. In addition, the "
Workshops" tab on this web site also links to the program and registration material.