shiv verma | photography

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Comments from attendees of my last Macro and Close-up workshop on the 25th

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of the participants for attending and helping make the workshop so enjoyable.  I too learn from you during my sessions - photography is all about sharing and learning from each other.  Thank you all for your wonderful feedback - I truly value and appreciate it.Here is what the participants had to say.I found the tips on how to do macro less expensively (Home Depot solutions) very valuable.I thought the presentation followed by the hands-on session was perfect. It allowed for questions to be answered and bugs to be worked out before you were alone trying it for the first time.I picked up lots of good tips in the morning session. All in all, an excellent day.Would like more hands-on - possibly a second day of all hands-on and outdoors.After hearing you speak last summer, I was looking forward to the workshop. Exceeded my expectations. Thanks, Shiv. Dan LoganShiv presented the overall basics of macro photography, but also gave specific training in Helicon Focus software. I appreciated advancing my macro skills with a technique I had not known. It was a very enjoyable day.I knew a lot of theory of Macro photography prior to the workshop, however I lacked the experience of actually taking images. Shiv's workshop gave me a lot of that experience. I had tried Helicon Focus about five years ago when it first came out. This workshop brought me up to date about Helicon Remote which automates much of the process of actually taking the multiple photos. This minimizes much of the manual frustrating work. Kent MessamoreShiv is truly a fantastic workshop leader. He shares all of his information with you freely rather than holding back "tricks of the trade". He is knowledgable and has come up with some ingenious ways of making your photography dollars stretch by making your own equipment rather than buying expensive gadgets. I look forward to taking another workshop with him in the very near future.Shiv is very technically knowledgable and has the organization to teach what he knows.Shiv delivers smoothly-paced training with lots of useful tips and plenty of visual examples, and he makes his expertise available during the hands-on session. A day well-spent.Shiv is truly a professional. His expertise is clearly evident. I would not hesitate to take another class with himIf you want to know more about macro and learn focus stacking this is a great workshop. The first part of the day is a comprehensive overview of different macro subject matter, as well as your "shopping list" and tips on saving money on the things you will need. The afternoon hands on part of the workshop has plenty of set-ups and items you can move around so you can shoot what interests you. Shiv is very patient and helpful, and will instruct on anything you ask to make sure you have a great experience.