Don't you love Facebook?!?!
This is a rare post, it is not about photography alone but it is about disappointment, the feeling of being let down, being cheated and anger.It is bad business practice when you have years worth of personal information and assets collected on a social networking site and you change the terms to benefit yourself with no regard for the community you established - what is Facebook's greedy logic - monetize??I am waiting for these words soon - "Read the fine print dear FB user. We own your identity and your intellectual property and will do as we please.............."The issue of the new terms of service released on Sept 5th is best stated on the ASMP site "Facebook is now able to exploit your name, likeness, content, images, private information, and personal brand by using it in advertising and in commercial and sponsored content — without any compensation to you. Facebook is monetizing not just your images, but a sizable portion of your entire online identity."The next question - which social network will follow and which one might survive.It may be time for a Gramm Leach Bliley (financial privacy) or HIPPA (health privacy) type of "Act" to protect us from such exploitation.