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Photograph Professional Models in a Studio and Art Gallery Setting - a Troika


Join us on April 25, 2015 for a one day, 3 hour, educational and hands-on lighting workshop.

The workshop will concentrate on the following:

  • Understanding the properties of light
  • Setting up and using off-camera lights
  • Getting amazing images even in the harshest, brightest light
  • Shooting outdoors with a hot shoe flash
  • Shooting indoors with a hot shoe flash and other lights
  • Using reflectors, diffusers and other light modifiers
  • Studio lights will be Pro Photo and ARRI

You will learn how to light for portraits and leave with an understanding of how light works, color of light, quantity of light and quality of light. You will learn how to get consistent results and be confident in lighting your subject in any environment.

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The environment for our model photo shoot will be the 70 South Street Gallery, a uniquely new and beautifully modern photo gallery located at 70 South Street, in Morristown, New Jersey.


Hands-on opportunities:

Participants will have the opportunity to shoot models at each of three light set-ups using their own cameras (a troika).One of the three light set-ups will be in a studio environment within the gallery:OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe following images are representative of the studio type imagery that we'll try to achieve:54e2b6556a2c3550cb16998a0d544ff396b2f45Another set-up will be on the actual floor of the gallery using natural light and portable lighting:5491afd74328cThe final and third set up will be out in the street in front of the gallery using the charming background of Morristown. Portable lighting may be used as required.5348ae9726eb9While shooting in the natural environment of the gallery and the streets of Morristown, you will learn how to control backgrounds as well as how to light your subjects. Here are some samples of what can be achieved when shooting in a natural environment such as the streets of Morristown.Since there will be a different model at each of the 3 shooting stations and only 9 photographers, the photographers will split their shooting time between all three stations with only 3 photographers at each station at the same time.The hands-on experience, both indoors and out (weather permitting) is an invaluable means of re-enforcing the topics we cover.The workshop is designed for serious amateurs, hobbyists and emerging pros.You should bring your camera body with a lens capable of focusing between 85mm and 100mm focal length and wide angle lenses capable of 24mm focal length (this is optional). Zoom lenses in the 18mm to 200 mm are also a good choice.Model releases will be provided and one or two images suitable for the models to use in their portfolio will be greatly appreciated.Click here for details and registration.All images provided by the models and the 70 South Gallery