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The Arcanum

Arcanum blueYesterday I became a "Master" at The Arcanum - feel privileged and proud to be a part of this group of distinguished and incredible photographers, mentors and most of all an exceptional community.The Arcanum founders and visionaries are Trey Ratcliff, Peter Giordano and Curtis Simmons. You can find out more about these Mystical Pioneers on their websites and social pages.The Arcanum delivers a personalized learning experience that values people over place, and coaching over content.Using the time-tested Master & Apprentice learning method within an online social community, you can quickly close the gap between aspiration and ability.If you want to be a part of this world of AWESOME or just to learn more click here or the logo above.There is also a great podcast episode worth listening to on the Sprouting Photographer - click here for the link.  This is an interview with Trey and Peter.