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A Podcast for all Photographers -TWiP

I don't remember when it was that I started listening to TWiP but it was a long time ago some time in 2008 when Scott Bourne was the host - TWiP 1 or were the podcasts even numbered then - it does not matter.  If you want to know about the what, where, and when of photography, subscribe to TWiP.  A weekly podcast hosted by the awesome Frederick Van Johnson and two or more co-hosts.  You can watch the video on or subscribe to the audio only podcast on iTunes - TWiP.  It is the most popular photography podcast listed on iTunes and has never been out of the top 100 Tech Podcast list and has been as high as number seven on the overall list, a mere six spots behind Oprah - WOW! The show has more than 200,000 listeners every month more than one million page views each month.Fore some shameless self promotion - I was interviewed by Frederick for episode #339 - click here to check it out.A plug for Frederick -  If you have a marketing question or need some education regarding marketing for your business you must check out - a web site that Frederick started that has easily digestible bite sized education for all photographers.