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Adobe CS 6 Dead (Retired) and CC subscription prices go up in some countries

Without any press release or announcement, Adobe has officially retired the CS 6 products.  The CS 6 web page reads:

"Looking for Creative Suite 6? The latest versions of all your favorite apps like Photoshop and Illustrator are only available with a Creative Cloud membership. You’ll also get hundreds of step-by-step tutorials, built-in design templates, your own portfolio website, and more.
As of January 9, 2017 Creative Suite is no longer available for purchase."
Lightroom is still available as a standalone product so you can still get the latest RAW converter and continue to use your Photoshop CS 6 License.
I am using Capture One for my Library and RAW conversion (so awesome); Affinity (from Serif, now also for Windows), On1 RAW and Macphun Luminar for Pixel based editing. I really do not use Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop except for some demos and where my students need specific Adobe product help and I never did subscribe to the CC model.
Also from Adobe:

Adobe and currency fluctuations

Currency exchange rates have fluctuated significantly over the last few years. Like many US-based global companies, Adobe is making pricing adjustments in a number of countries to offset fluctuations in foreign exchange rate. Starting on March 6, 2017, the price of Adobe products in the United Kingdom and Sweden will be increased. Existing customers will receive information about their subscription pricing directly from Adobe.
When do the product prices increase in the United Kingdom and Sweden? 
 The increased prices are effective starting on March 6, 2017.
I have an existing membership. Is my monthly fee going up?  
If you have a month-to-month plan, you will see the price increase on your statement at the next billing date. If you have an annual plan, the new price goes into effect at the end of your annual term.