Adobe joins the ranks of Microsoft with a truly botched release

importIn my opinion and the simplest of terms ADOBE has really messed up this time. CC was a bad move and now LR6.2. How does a company let this product get to their users. No beta testing it appears. No prerelease user acceptance - what a fiasco.I am glad I never subscribed to CC and now have to downgrade/roll back LR6.2. Time to rethink my workflow. May be go 100% to Capture One Pro.The library module in 6.2 is really - cartoonish and so many decent features have just been eliminated. I shudder to think what I might unearth with the Develop and other modules.Microsoft botched up Windows 8 and now they are in good company with Adobe and LR 6.2.In my opinion Adobe should make the CC subscription $0.00 till they can make the product worth paying for again.Adobe profits dropped as per their earning report this week. CC was not such a good idea and now this ................  I wonder what the next quarter will look like.


Death by Selfie


Review of the Hähnel Captur Module Pro, Captur Module - IR and the Captur Receiver