shiv verma | photography

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Bosque - Day 2

As a nature photographer one should not go to a location with preset expectations.  The temperatures were conducive for bird silhouettes in a "Fire and Ice" display. Did not happen.....yet again.A massive blast-off on the pondOn the exit route from the reserve a flock of Gambel's Quails scurried across.Gambrel Quail - Participant's Image

We more than made up for this disappointment by discovering an amazing place to photograph the Sandhill Cranes at close distance.

_S5A5808Cottonwood and Sandhills - Participant's Image

Late evening at the flight deck was productive.

_MG_0651Already looking forward to "Bosque and More" 2014.  Working on making some additional modifications to workshop educational/training locations.  Will be posting the workshop dates next week.