shiv verma | photography

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As a photographer one of my biggest concerns is spills on my equipment.  I love coffee and other drinks while on the road.  I have been using travel mugs and other double lined drinking devices but they all spill.  Yes, I have coffee spills and stains on my center console, passenger seat, and I no longer carry one of these gizmos while out on a shoot during the early mornings (hey - it is cool and a hot coffee is so welcome).Enter the "ecotop" - I found this product through my wife's  associate.  This is the best thing for any of us who are sippers on the go.  This cover is solid, it will not spill, fits on existing drinking mugs, your regular mugs and any thing that can hold liquids with an opening that is 3 inches (hey that is a standard mug size).  Here is an image - security for your coffee and security for your gear.Contact me at 617.759.0010 or s.verma (at) if you want more information or want to order the for your self, your business or as a promotional item.This product is featured in the July 2012 issue of Popular Science so it must be good. Here is the excerpt from Popular Science:" Your favorite mug is now your travel mug! The Ecotop is a first-ever add-on top for standard mugs and cups. A locking closure reduces spills around the house and office and during travel. Ecotops are convenient for active families and professionals on the go. Ecotops can also be invaluable for people with stability concerns. Go green (or ten other colors) and support the ecology and your economy! Ecotops are designed and manufactured in the USA."