Photographing the Super Moon, Lunar Eclipse & The Blood Moon

We are about to witness a rare celestial event on September 27th, when we will get an opportunity to see a "Total Lunar Eclipse" that will give a coppery red color to the moon thus earning it the designation of a "Blood Moon". Besides which, the moon will be closest to Earth earning it the distinction of, "Super Moon". Finally, because of the time of the month/year that this event occurs it has the unique distinction of being referred to as a "SUPER HARVEST BLOOD MOON". (How cool is that?)To make things even more interesting, sunset will occur at 6:33 p.m. on the 27th and moon rise will occur at 6:24 p.m.  and will reach full moon status in 4 hours which coincides with the total eclipse. That means that conditions for photographing this event should be perfect.  (Weather permitting)I will also provide you with the basics of creating a time lapse of the event.  You will need the right equipment and patience.Key times of the evening:• Partial Eclipse begins at 9:07 PM• Full Eclipse begins at 10:11 PM• Maximum Eclipse at 10:47 PM• Full Eclipse ends at 11:23 PM• Partial Eclipse ends at 12:27 AMI have made a few revisions to my tips page on this topic to help you capture this Sunday's event.Lunar Eclipse and Blood Moon Photography


Eclipse and Echelman - Colors Unified


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