Sanibel & Ding Darling
Monday Jan 18 - A two and a half hour drive to Little Estero lagoon in Fort Myers Beach yielded nothing. I was hoping to get an image of the white morph - Reddish Egret. On to Sanibel Ding Darling WLR - a few roseate spoonbills in the distance and the usual compliment of shore birds.
The second pond was slightly better and this Reddish was preening presenting a decent photo opportunity.
Reddish Egret
Egretta rufescens Preening
EOS 7D, 500 mm, 1.4x, 1/1000 at f 7.1, ISO 320
The remainder of the loop was unfruitful so I headed on to the fishing pier in search of the nesting Osprey pair. I wanted to capture images of them bringing in nesting material but was treated to one of the adults flying in with its catch and watch it devour it.
EOS 7D, 500mm, 1.4x, 1/800 at f 8.0, ISO 320
Returned to Ding Darling before driving back to the East Coast. The light had improved and this roseate was strutting, bathing and preening.
EOS 7D, 500mm, 1.4x, 1/640 at f 7.1, EV -1/3 ISO 320