Photography Photography

Rain is Good

It rained all morning and then we had a little break and the light got better, albeit not like the golden hour, the clouds helped diffuse it enough.The next image of the Black-crowned Night Heron was a daily image.  Always in the same mangrove by the road. In all the days there was no action from this bird.  The Glossy Ibis is another digiscoped capture - wish the light had been better for this one.  It would have definitely brought out the iridescence. 

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Photography Photography

Digiscoping with the Lumix GH5

When your subjects are at a distance, long lenses are good but a spotting scope and camera will get you the better shot.  These were all captured using a Lumix GH5 adapted to a Swarovski 85mm optic module with the STX eyepiece and the 30mm TLS APO.  The camera was attached via a MFT adapter.  

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