Aquatic Birds of Florida

Before I say anything, I want to make it perfectly clear that I am not a videographer.  I captured these clips while I was in Florida during the Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival, late January 2017.  All these were captured during my photo walks/drives in Black Point Wildlife Drive in Merritt Island.  The primary purpose was to tryout the "In Body Image Stabilization" aka IBIS of the Panasonic Lumix G85 camera body.  The camera was used with the Leica 100 - 400 mm lens at its full extension that is an equivalent of 800 mm (most of the time).  All footage was captured hand-held and in many instances during high winds and rain.  It is important to note, that all the footage was captured before Panasonic released two major firmware updates, one of the camera and the other for the lens.  What this means is that the Dual IS function was not in effect when these videos were captured.  I was very impressed with the performance of this camera and lens combination and will be doing a comparison to see the impact of the new firmware when I am at the next conference in St. Augustine in April.To see the video in 4K please CLICK HERE to be directed to YouTube [video type="youtube" id="i1exFCyhtGU" width="600"]Default Message[/video]

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Photo Plus Expo 2014 and Lumix Lounge

PPE2014Spent three fantastic days in NY City at the Photo Plus Expo.  Saw some great stuff that I will be blogging about soon.  The mirror-less world continues to pick up steam and there is a lot happening with this lighter better world of photography.  Trending - HYBRID - animated stills and more.Was honored to be invited and to be interviewed in the Panasonic Lumix Lounge by none other than Frederick Van Johnson.  Click here for the interview.Panasonic had an awesome booth with lost of gear for visitors to test out, demos, 4K TVs and the fantastic new LX100 - I want one.  Use the link to check it out.

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