Tending Fields in The Palouse - the incredible S1R

Before leaving the Palouse, I would really like to venture inside one of the giant combine harvesters that the farmers use. The are specially designed machines that traverse the steep inclines and slopes of the Palouse without tipping over. The cab is fully climate controlled and has computers that monitor and measure things like quantity of the grain being harvested, the moisture content and many other indices.

This is an image captured on Sept 20, 2019, in the late afternoon before the storm. I used the Lumix S1R with the Lumix Pro S 70-200 mm lens. I have cropped a slight amount on the top of the frame to remove a distraction. The performance of the S1R is exceptional. This was a normal (not a high resolution) capture. A severe crop of the frame just to get the farmhouse is shown in the image below. (Please do click on the images for a larger rendition).

Exposure triad: f/11, 1/15 sec, ISO 200. Focal length 200mm.

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Storm Clouds Over Palouse

Storm Clouds Over Palouse

I arrived in Spokane, WA for the PSA Board Meetings and the Conference. It was a long flight from Boston to Spokane but I was not going to pass up the opportunity to take a ride to the wheat fields of the Palouse. The weather did not look good but then bad weather can make for some great images.

Most of the afternoon the fields had barely any light and when there was some it was flat. As the afternoon progressed there were occasional openings in the dark cloud that were letting some light come through. The was a large expanse of rain clouds that were dumping rain while the sun shone through on either side casting some warm light on the harvested wheat stalks.

This image was captured in high resolution using the Panasonic Lumix S1R and the Lumix S Pro 70-200 f/4 lens. Exposure triad: f/11, 1/25 sec, ISO 200. Lens at 70mm. The 1440 x 934 pixel image is about 8% of the original file.

Please click on the image for a larger rendition.

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Photography Photography

Lumix S1R test - Red Arrows - North American Tour

8 of the 11 Red Arrows in formation over Boston Harbor

Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team Red Arrows are on a major tour of North America.  This is the first in more than a decade.  It is intended to promote the best of British and deepen partnerships .

The Red Arrows are on an 11-week North American tour that started in Halifax, Nova Scotia July 8 and will end in Rapid City, South Dakota Oct. 8, 2019.

The aircraft are BAe Hawk T Mk1, a two seater trainer jet that has been replaced by the new Hawk T Mk2.   However, the Mk1 will remain in service for another 10 years. Like the Mk2, the Mk1 is a fully aerobatic, low-wing, transonic, two-seat training aircraft that is still used in a number of roles for the RAF. 100 Squadron, based at RAF Leeming.

The show started about 20 minutes later than expected and unlike the flight path that was released the jets flew a completely different route.

My aim was test the performace of the continuous focus capapbility of the Panasonic Lumix S1R in a high speed fly by. The lens I used was the Lumix S Pro 70-200 f/4. The aperture was set to f/8 and the shutter speed was 1/2000 to freeze motion. The ISO was set to auto and resulted in ISO 250 to 320 for the incoming shots and 640 to 800 for the outgoing images. The focus was set to continuous, drive mode on high and the focus area "Zone Oval".

There are two sets on images - 20 incoming and 20 outgoing. All images are from single bursts in the exact sequence and unedited. The RAW files were converted and exported to JPG using Capture One. As you will see from these images, the camera and lens performed exceptionally well in maintaing focus.

This the incoming gallery

[ngg src="galleries" ids="121" display="pro_horizontal_filmstrip"]

This is the outgoing gallery

[ngg src="galleries" ids="122" display="pro_horizontal_filmstrip"]

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Photography Photography

Lumix S1R High Res Mode - Palouse Sunset

Rolling Hills of the Palouse

This is a scaled down version of a 187 MP image of the rolling fields in the Palouse at sunset. The low angle of the sun creates lovely shadows and definition of the undulating hills. This was also a test of the Sigma MC21 with the Sigma 100-400 mm EF mount lens on the Lumix S1R.

Exposure triad: f/6.3, 1/60 sec, ISO 200. Focal length as shot: 400 mm.

I will be in Spokane, WA for the PSA conference and would like to do a photo workshop after the conference. If you are interested let me know so I can make necessary arangements.

Click on the image for a larger rendition.

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Photography Photography

Lumix G9 Hi-Res Mode - Canyonlands, UT

Canyonlands, UT. Panasonic Lumix G9 with the Leica 50-200 mm lens at 50mm (100mm equivalent). Exposure triad: f/8, 1/1000 sec, ISO 200

Despite windy conditions, I wanted to test the Hi-Res Mode of the Lumix G9 in a lighting situation where there would be a minimum shadow definition. I found this location and vantage point and returned at near high noon. The clouds were interesting but as they were not interfering with the light falling on this monolith, I set up and captured this image.

The original RAW file before any crop was 10368 px by 7776 px and approx 138 MB. One for one pixel (native resolution) at 260 DPI this image will print 40 inches wide. The image was processed in Capture One and I cropped down from the top for a better composition. The reduced resolution is a 1400px by 922px file.

No sharpening or lens correction has been applied, nor has any chromatic correction been done.

To determine the detail and quality of the image I have done an extreme crop as shown in the image below.

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