TWiP 445 – Travel Hacks from Pro Photographers

TWiP_Logo_300I had the pleasure of co-hosting the very last TWiP podcast of 2015 with Frederick Van Johnson and Valérie Jardin.For most people, photographers especially, the end of the year is typically when we start traveling a little more. Whether it be for work, vacation or visiting loved ones for the holidays.The one thing that remains consistent with most of the amazing photos you see from both amateur and professional photographers  is that in order to create amazing photographs, you will most certainly always need an amazing subject. And considering two of the fastest growing segments in the world of photography are Street Photography and Landscape photography… it follows that in order to get these shots you must travel to where they are.Much like commercial fishermen, they don’t just sit on shore waiting on fish to swim to them. They motor to where the fish are. And in the case of the photographer, you have to travel to where the best shots are.Professional photographers and other people who travel frequently typically have several “tricks” that they employ to make the trip easier, their luggage lighter, and to ensure they are as comfortable as possible, so they can focus on making great images.Click here for the Podcast


New York from Bayonne


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