Shiv Verma Shiv Verma

Morning in Sossusvlei

The name Sossusvlei is often used to refer to a large area in the Namib Nakluft Park, including famous locations and vistas such as Sesriem Canyon, Deadvlei, dunes 41, 45, Big Daddy, and Big Mama. Dunes are numbered based on approximately how far they are from the entrance gate. Sossusvlei however, is a large, white salt and clay pan surrounded by massive red sand dunes. The name Sossusvlei translates to “Dead-end Marsh”, vlei is a marsh in Afrikaans.

For the best light in this area, it is imperative that you stay inside the gates of the park. Only then are you allowed to drive to the dunes and photogenic locations an hour before sunrise and return an hour after sunset. All other visitors must wait at the gate that opens at sunrise and closes at sunset.

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Shiv Verma Shiv Verma

Three Lionesses

These were three of the five lioness we saw at the Klein Namutoni waterhole in Etosha. The name Klein Namutoni means 'small Namutoni' in Afrikaans. Unlike other artesian fountatins in the park, it has no island at its centre — but is still shallow enough for animals to wade in.

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Shiv Verma Shiv Verma

Lock-step in Namibia

On our last day in Etosha, we did a morning drive to a water hole near the Namutoni camp. There was a fair amount of activity but the highlight was on our way back when we crossed the open Savanah. Cheetahs on the hunt, going across in lock-step. It was a truly amazing sight and a memorable end to our 17 day Namibia trip.

I am going back with a small group in 2023 and would love to have some of my friends come along. There are 4 space on the Namibia Safari and Workshop and 2 spaces left for the preceding Tanzania Safari. So if you are interested let me know. Contact me

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Shiv Verma Shiv Verma

Zebras doing their thing

Zebras are in abundance in Namibia and can be found at all the waterholes and plains of Etosha. Here is a small herd near a waterhole in the Namutoni camp.

I announced the Namibia Safari and Workshop yesterday and now have 4 spaces remaining. So if you are interested let me know. Contact me

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Shiv Verma Shiv Verma

Purple Roller

Purple Roller (Coracias naevius) is a large roller compared to the more colorful and better known Lilac Breasted Roller. The Purple Roller's colors are visible when it flies. Leaving Namutoni, Etosha on our way to Windhoek, I waited a long time for it to fly but this specimen was content just perched atop this snag.

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Shiv Verma Shiv Verma

Kolmanskop - 2

Kolmanskop - a town abandoned in 1956. Over the years, the desert has reclaimed the town in its own way, turning the once-thriving diamond mining community into a sand-filled ghost town. These images were captured in August 2022

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Shiv Verma Shiv Verma

A gentle giant of the wild

The Elephant never ceases to amaze me. They are so intelligent and the way they communicate is fascinating. This one has surely seen better days, even with both tusks broken this animal did not display any signs of impairment.

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Shiv Verma Shiv Verma

Sunset in Etosha, Namibia

The main lodges of Etosha have some of the best waterholes in the park. Comfortable seating arrangements provide excellent wildlife viewing opportunities 7 X 24. Sunrise and sunset are the best times to be at these locations where the wildlife is abundant.

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Shiv Verma Shiv Verma

A Giraffe roams the plains of Etosha NWR

Typically Giraffes are seen in pairs, herds or and adult with its young, This makes it hard to isolate for a good image. However, when one Giraffe is roaming alone in a good location it is best to make the most of that opportunity. I was very pleased with this composition and the complimentary colors of the landscape and animal.

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Shiv Verma Shiv Verma


Gemsbok on a dune

The Namib Nakluft region in Namiba has some of the most beautiful sand dunes in the Walvis Bay area. The evening light and the wildlife on the dunes make for some exceptional phot opportunities. This lone Gemsbok was casually trudging up this dune slope. Captured on our Red Dune Safari.

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Photography Photography

Camelthorn Trees

Deadvlei, Namibia

Deadvlei is a clay pan in the Sossusvlei region.  It is characterized by dark, dead camelthorn trees uniquely contrasted against the white clay pan floor. The pan was formed when the Tsauchab River flooded and the flood waters allowed these camelthorn trees to grow. But as the desert climate changed, the sand dunes encroached on the pan and blocked the river from providing much needed moisture to the area.  This change eventually killed the trees. The trees are estimated to be approximately 900 years old, they have dried but did not decompose due to the lack of humidity.

Deadvlei is a paradise for photographers. Getting to the pan from the parking lot requires a hike of about 3/4 of a mile over dunes and clay flats.  It is hot and dry so be sure to carry plenty of water.

Vachellia erioloba, the camel thorn, giraffe thorn, or Kameeldoring in Afrikaans, still more commonly known as Acacia erioloba, is a tree of southern Africa in the family Fabaceae. Its preferred habitat is the deep dry sandy soils in parts of South Africa, Botswana, the western areas of Zimbabwe and Namibia. Wikipedia

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Photography Photography

Pale Chanting Goshawk

Taking off - ready to hunt for a meal.

The Pale Chanting Goshawk will hunt and kill a wide variety of prey including mammals, lizards, birds, insects, and even carrion. This specimen was photographed in Etosha very close to the famous Etosha Pan.

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Photography Photography

Gemsbok and calf at sunset

A Gemsbok with its calf on the dunes in the Walvis Bay region. Incorrectly called an Oryx. Oryx is the name of a genus that consists of 4 large species of antelopes. Scimitar oryx, Gemsbok, East African oryx, and the Arabian oryx.

This image was captured on the only guided safari we took on our trip. Our host/guide J.P. was truly fabulous and got us to some of the exceptional areas in these expansive dunes.

Gemsbok& Calf - Walvis Bay, Namibia

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Photography Photography

Milkyway - Quiver Tree Forest

Back home after an epic trip to Namibia. Planning a Photo Tour for Sept 2023 for a max of 7 people. Two spots are already taken, so let me know soon if you are interested. It will be a self-drive with two per 4X4 vehicle.

Here is a milkyway image from the Quiver Tree forest in Southern Namibia.

Milkyway - Quiver Tree Forest

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