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Panasonic Lumix G9 Continuous Auto Focus Test

First - Wishing all my readers a Very Happy New Year.This past weekend my wife and I spent two days in Franconia, New Hampshire.  The temperatures were in the -10 to -13 Degrees in the evenings and -7 to -10 during the day.  We were hoping to photograph some ice climbers but the winds were too strong and we did not find any.  In any case, these frigid conditions were ideal for testing out how the new G9 would perform.  the camera is rated to work at temperatures below freezing down to 14 Degrees F.  This morning it was -7. I did not want to risk doing an extended time-lapse sequence but did want to test out the continuous autofocus.Canon mountain has some decent ski slopes and there were a few skiers on the slopes.  A skier coming downhill and then swinging across to the right was the layout.  I set the camera to AFC (Auto Focus Continuous), drive mode was set to high, Manual exposure - f/5, 1/1000 sec, ISO 200.  The lens was the Leica 12-60 at mm.  I set the capture to RAW + Jpeg (large) with RAW to Card 1 and Jpeg to Card 2.  The cards were not the fastest - SanDisk V30 SDXC, 95 MB/s.Waiting for a skier to come into view, I depressed the shutter and followed him as he came down the slope.  The sequence was 9 seconds for a total 66 images.  I was very pleased to see that the autofocus continuous mode worked really well. I believe that all 66 images in the sequence are in acceptable focus and very usable.  I would like to try a similar test with a longer lens but given the way the camera performed, despite the cold, I am extremely happy.The entire jpeg sequence is below. The only adjustments made to the images was a small correction in white balance, sharpening and noise reduction were both zeroed out in Lightroom. The images were then exported for this display with a 1024 pixel horizontal setting. If you are interested in a folder of these jpeg images or any of the RAW files for further validation please let me know and I will be happy to get them to you. [ngg_images source="galleries" container_ids="120" display_type="photocrati-nextgen_pro_horizontal_filmstrip" image_crop="0" image_pan="1" show_playback_controls="1" show_captions="0" caption_class="caption_overlay_bottom" caption_height="70" aspect_ratio="1.333" width="150" width_unit="%" transition="fade" transition_speed="1" slideshow_speed="5" border_size="0" border_color="#ffffff" override_thumbnail_settings="1" thumbnail_width="120" thumbnail_height="90" thumbnail_crop="1" ngg_triggers_display="always" order_by="sortorder" order_direction="ASC" returns="included" maximum_entity_count="500"]