Echoing Curves

The beaches beyond Marineland in St. Augustine have some beautiful rock formations. This image was captured while the colors in the sky still had some magenta while the horizon was turning warm gold. The way the ocean had receded taking sand away from the front of this rock and exposing the bright green moss caught my eye. Even more interesting were the curves in the sand, the shape of the waves and the shape of the face of the rock. Each curve in harmony with and echoing the other.
Captured with the Panasonic Lumix S1R with the 24 – 105 f/4 lens. A Benro filter holder with a 3 stop ND, a polarizer and a 3 stop soft edge grad was used for this image. The lens was at 35mm and the exposure triad: f/8, 8 sec, ISO 100.
The Light of Cape Cod
An excellent three day workshop in the Cape. An intimate group of seven photographers had a great time shooting the incredible light of Cape Cod. We wound down each day with wine and cheese, image viewing, lessons and laughter. The mornings were rainy but evolved into beautiful defuse light for the rest of the day. Evenings presented us with phenomenal color and spectacular sunsets. Will post participants' images next week.Here are some that I captured: