A not so slow shutter speed - Rocky Coast of Acadia
(please click on the image for a larger rendition)
Slow shutter speed images are interesting and many are minimalist. But by the same token the use of slow shutter speeds seems to have become overly popular. Here in this early morning capture I wanted to slow the shutter down to get the action but at the same time show the motion of the waves as they crashed on the Acadia coastline. The warm glow and blue waters created a harmonious conflict.
The image is a blend of two splashes where both were exposed exactly the same. I used the Panasonic Lumix S1R with the Lumix Pro 70-200 mm f/4 lens at
Glorious Acadia Workshop Report
- It sure has been a crazy week - returned from a fabulous 3 day workshop in Acadia. Despite all the issues with the hotel closing we got rooms at a decent motel one mile from the park entrance. Some rain the first afternoon resulted in staying indoors but the next two days were perfect. The winds on Saturday were a force to be reckoned with. It was impossible to keep the camera steady with constant gusts.Here are a two more images.

The Light of Cape Cod
An excellent three day workshop in the Cape. An intimate group of seven photographers had a great time shooting the incredible light of Cape Cod. We wound down each day with wine and cheese, image viewing, lessons and laughter. The mornings were rainy but evolved into beautiful defuse light for the rest of the day. Evenings presented us with phenomenal color and spectacular sunsets. Will post participants' images next week.Here are some that I captured: