Photography Photography

CanAm Photo Expo the last evening

If you want to attend a truly great educational photography/videography expo then consider CANAM 2019.  This year the expo was held in Niagara Falls, Ontario.  The 2019 Expo will be in Buffalo, NY.  Three intense days of non-stop programs.Got a little time for some images on the last evening before returning to Boston.   

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2014 Fall Wanderings - 4

With most of the foliage gone in the northeast and what is left will be gone after this semi nor'easter or tropical storm here are two more images from Ithaca region.This image is of Taughannock Falls taken from the deck by the parking lot above the gorge.  This vantage point give the falls a totally different perspective.I am planning on doing a winter trip to capture these falls when the sides and rock faces are covered with ice. Toughannock FallsThis next image is from the gorge that leads to Lucifer falls.  Another area that could be interesting in the winter.  If any of my blog followers have experienced these falls in the winter, please share your thoughts.Lucifer Falls Gorge

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2014 Fall Wanderings - 3

Fall SimplifiedWalking through the gorges of New York's Finger Lakes region yield some incredible photo opportunities.  There is no dearth of intimate and grand landscapes and occasionally even the saturated fall colors, when simplified, yield memorable images.This is from the entrance to the Taughannock Gorge in Ulysses.Please click on the image for detail.

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Sony A7R Sony A7R

Falls at the Basin

_DSC0104-Edit Was in New Hampshire yesterday so drove to Sugar Hill for some lupines.  What a pity - the fields have a handful of flowers.  It seems the weeds have choked the lupine plants.On the way back, stopped at the Basin and took a few images with the Sony A7R, 28 - 70 f/3.5 - 5.6.  Did not have any ND filters on hand so used ISO 50, f/22 for a 2.5 second exposure. The A7R has excellent dynamic range - impressed.  Click on the image to view larger.

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Iceland 2

Here are a  few more images from the two Iceland PTAW's (Photo Tours and Workshops).  We visited some wonderful geothermal areas in the Reykjanes peninsula as well as massive lava fiels and valleys.  This section of Iceland is like a lunar landscape.  The ocean's might and the winds are a real indication of why this region is abundantly populated with shipwrecks.  There are more lighthouses in this region than there are villages.  The famous Blue Lagoon and spa is situated here as are some massive geothermal power plants.While visiting this lava field above we were pounded by a hail storm - that hurt.It is here that the North American and European tectonic plates in the Earth’s crust are as clear as can be. At Þingvellir: the plates diverge about 1 inch per year. However the gap is refilled as volcanoes have been erupting on a regular basis.This overlook ridge is host to a magnificent  waterfall.  Getting to the base of this fall was most difficult as the path was sheet of ice.  The second workshop group was unable to get here as it became far worse of a hike the following week.The famous Blue Lagoon and the Power Plants are wonderful photo opportunities at night.This coloration is a result of the sulphur in the air.  In some cases the color becomes greenish as in the image below.The next two images are from the geo thermal areas of the peninsula._S5A6888Glorious colors are abundant around the mud pots and hot springs.  Considering that more than 3/4 of Iceland is barren, the barren beauty is breathtaking.

More to come

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