Post Focus & Focus Stacking
Just posted my latest YouTube episode on Post Focus and Focus Stacking
2019 Favorite Images Part 2
I just posted the second segment of my 2019 Favorite Images and a few back story video clips.
Lumix GH5, GH-5S and G9 Firmware updates announced - (Availability May 30, 2018)
Panasonic yesterday announced new firmware updates for the Lumix DC-GH5 (Firmware Version 2.3), DC-GH5S (Firmware Version 1.1) and DC-G9 (Firmware Version 1.1) to further enhance their performance and usability. The firmware updates will be downloadable on May 30, 2018The new firmware includes the following upgrades: LUMIX DC-GH5 Firmware Ver.2.3
- Improvement of AF performance
- Improvement of Body I.S.(Image Stabilizer) performance
- mprovement of sound recording performance
- New functions
- Other improvements
LUMIX DC-GH5S Firmware Ver.1.1
- Improvement of AF performance
- Improvement of sound recording performance
- New functions
- Other Improvements
LUMIX DC-G9 Firmware Ver.1.1
- Improvement of AF performance
- Improvement of Body I.S.(Image Stabilizer) performance
- Improvement of High Resolution Mode
- Improvement of sound recording performance
- New functions
- Other improvements
The new firmware programs will be available at LUMIX Customer Support Site on 30 May, 2018.
Space Coast Wildlife & Birding Festival 2018 - last post
This Roseate was in good light and I liked it as a square crop. The image of the Pin-tail pair was another digiscope image that has been cropped for composition.
The Luna Moth - albeit not in a natural environment the moth stayed on the gymnasium wall at Eastern Florida State College for hours. Used the 30mm macro on the G9 handheld and I continue to be impressed with the IBIS. The 30mm macro is currently discounted and available for under $300.
Rain is Good
It rained all morning and then we had a little break and the light got better, albeit not like the golden hour, the clouds helped diffuse it enough.The next image of the Black-crowned Night Heron was a daily image. Always in the same mangrove by the road. In all the days there was no action from this bird.
The Glossy Ibis is another digiscoped capture - wish the light had been better for this one. It would have definitely brought out the iridescence.
Digiscoping with the GH5 and a Swarovski Scope
The Osprey above was photographed using the Panasonic Lumix GH5 attached to a Swarovski Spotting Scope. The optic was the 85mm optic module with the STX eyepiece and the 30mm TLS APO. The camera was attached via a MFT adapter. The image above has not been cropped. ISO 800 1/320sec.
The GH5 continues to excel
With the exception of the last three years we typically go to Damariscotta Maine to photograph the Osprey fishing for alewives. The main reason for not going was the decline in activity. However we did spend this past weekend in a lovely B&B - The Mill Pond Inn in Nobleboro. It is a great place and has two of the finest hosts.My main purpose was to test out the GH5 for its tracking capability and the Dual IS 2 function. Both these images were shot with the GH5 and the Leica 100 - 400 lens, hand-held. Exposure was set to "Manual" and the ISO was set on Auto. The focus was set to 1 Area and reduced to its smallest size. All images processed using Capture One Pro, version 10I intentionally left the shutter speed slow so as to get a lot of motion in the wings and to have the water droplets streak. I panned this shot keeping the 1 Area on the bird's eye.As we waited for more action (that never happened) a Bald Eagle flew by in the distance and finally landed on a tree on the far bank. I knew that the bird was just to far to get a decent shot but I wanted to see what I could get irrespective. Once again this was hand held. I did increase the shutter speed to 1/1600 sec and the lens was out at 800 mm (FF equivalent).This next image is the un-cropped version.
The next image is a crop at 1400 by 1050 pixels:
#LumixLounge #wherelumixgoes #lumixusa #lumixGH5 #gh5 #birdphotography#birds #africa #wildlifephotography