African Skies 2 - A Timelapse Video

Gunther Wegner the developer of LRTimelapse software has just released African Skies 2.  This excellent time-lapse video showcases the beauty of the African landscapes and animals in film and time lapse sequences, that have never been seen before.The production took more than half a year - and has been compiled from 4 terabytes of raw-data.  All editing (time lapse and even video) was done, using the new LRTimelapse 3.2 and Lightroom 5.2. !The video sequence can be seen on Vimeo but is available at a nominal cost as a HD video and a 4K video.  The sale proceeds will be used to fund and support the African wildlife and environmental protection organizations.  This funding was done from proceeds from the video too and I commend Gunther for his efforts. we decided to sell the film as download in much higher quality in Full HD and even 4K. With the revenue we again want to support local animal and environmental protection organizations.Click here to be directed to the LRTimelapse Web and then use the African Skies Tab to purchase it if you would like to support the cause.Please share this post with your family and friends.  Gunther has created an excellent video and I hope this can be viewed by all.  Please click on HD and open it in full screen view.[video type="vimeo" id="78610518" width="400" height="200"] Click here to be directed to the LRTimelapse Web and then use the African Skies Tab to view the video and purchase it if you would like to support the cause. 


One Day Workshop Schedule for December 2013


Bosque del Apache and White Sands Workshop now includes Carlsbad Caverns