Lumix G9 - High Resolution Mode
Many new cameras have repurposed their in body image stabilization to create high resolution images employing sensor shift capture. The Lumix G9 uses the same concept but shifts the sensor by 1/2 pixel rather than a full pixel. It captures 8 images in raw and combines them in-camera to generate a single 80 MP Raw file. Whats more is that you can capture a single standard resolution RAW file of the same image in addition to the high resolution image. This is a great feature for studio based product photography, still life and architectural photography. As there is (releatively) significant capture time, any scene with moving subject matter is not suitable for High Resolution capture. I set up a simple shot of a Gerbera Daisy with an artificial background to test the resolution and imprtance of this feature. the image above is what I was photographing. The shutter delay was set for 15 seconds to give me enough time to exit the room and to stabilize any vibration or tripod and camera body. The exposure triad:f/8, 1/200 sec at ISO 200.The red stroked are is enlarged below for comparison. Of significance, is the minimal pixilation of theis crop in the hi-res image compared to the standard 20.3 MP file.
The base file at 300 DPI is approx. 34.5 inches by 26 inches. I have sussessfully enlarged this image to 30 feet by 22.5 feet and the image maintains exceptional quality.