Photography Photography

Peace and Tranquility

Lumix S1R, Lumix 24-105 mm, 10-stop ND filter.
f/10, 60 sec., ISO 200
Please click on the image for a larger rendition.

This image was captured earlier this year in Falmouth, Massachusetts.  At about 7:00 PM the sun was low on the horizon. I wanted to do a long exposure capture but these pilings had a flock of cormorants perched on them,  Fortunately, a noisy ski boat disturbed them giving me just enough time for this 60-second exposure.

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Photography Photography


Poge Light

Poge Lighthouse in Cape Poge across from Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard.

Photographed with the Panasonic Lumix S1R and the Lumix 24-105 f/4 lens. Exposure triad: f/14, 2 sec, ISO 100.

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Photography Photography

Notre Dame Basilica in monochrome

This was another hand-held image inside Notre Dame.  I used the G9, a camera that has the best image stabilization I have experienced.  I had not enlarged a image from the G9 so tried with this one.  Using On1's resizing I enlarged this to a 60 inch image at 300 ppi and saw no significand degredation in detail or quality.

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Fog - January 4, 2015

Today was the first day in 2015 that I picked up a camera and stepped out to see if I could get two images that I have been envisioning. The first was a tall lone tree in fog or mist the other I leave for tomorrow. I wanted it to be a monochrome image, B&W or cyanotype - I settled on B&W.  The snow against the dirt and rocks adds to the scene creating a strong foundation for the rest that is mainly an ethereal sky.Lone Tree Panasonic Lumix GH4, 35 - 100 mm f/2.8 at 80mm. Exposure triad f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/40 sec. 

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