7D, Photography 7D, Photography

MINWR Field Workshop

January 25, 2019 - 7:00 AM field trip to Merrit Island National WIldlife Refuge, Black Point Drive yielded some decent images once the clouds dissipated and we got some good light. The day prior was a washout because of the storm that came through the area - high winds, heavy rains and reports of tornados.

Reddish Egret fishing - Panasonic Lumix G9 with the Leica 100-400 mm lens. Exposure triad: f/6.3, 1/800 sec, ISO 500

This year the number of Glossy Ibis in the reserve is exceptional. I have never seen so many flocks of 20 Ibis or more.

Glossy Ibis stepping into the water - Panasonic Lumix G9 with the Leica 100-400 mm lens. Exposure triad: f/6.3, 1/1000 sec, ISO 640

On the other hand, the Roseate Spoonbills are not as abundant as in past years.

Roseate Spoonbill with a Great Egret keeping a watchful eye - Panasonic Lumix G9 with the Leica 100-400 mm lens. Exposure triad: f/7.1, 1/1300 sec, ISO 200

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Canon Releases EOS 7D Firmware version 2.0

Canon finally released its significant upgrade/update to the EOS 7D.The firmware can be downloaded from this linkVersion 2 of the firmware will provide users of this body the following:Speed, the 7D will now shoot 130 Large/Fine JPEGs or 25 RAW.  This compared to 126 and 15.  The big jump is for RAW files.  The shooting rate remains at 8 fps.The 7D will now be compatible with the Canon GPS Receiver GP-E2  using the 7D’s USB connector.  GEO Tagging is not possible with Video.For Video buffs the camera will provid custom audio recording.  The firmware will enable manual control of sound recording levels in 64 steps.  Visual indicators will warn you of custom recording.Something that Nikon has had now will be available in the 7D.  Customization for Auto ISO in M, P, TV, AV and B modes.  You will be able to set upper limits up to ISO 6400.  The 7D will always auto adjust ISO for best exposure.The firmware will now allow in camera processing to modify White Balance, Picture Style, Auto Lighting Optimizer, High ISO Noise Reduction, JPEG Quality, Color Space, Lens Peripheral Illumination Correction, Distortion Correction and Lens Aberration Correction to RAW images capture.JPEG images can be resized in camera from “L” to “M “ and from “M” to “S” JPEG.An in camera rating system will be available.  A five step star rating will be available during image playback/review.Using the “Q” or quick control button you will now be able to apply protection to images, rotate and resize then, see the highlight alerts and AF point displays.A real neat feature with this upgrade is custom file naming. You will be able to set the first four characters of the file name, no more _IMG.  Image quality can be applied to the file name too.How about this: “time zone settings”, you can not only define time zones, but also daylight savings time.Significant improvements in the speed of scrolling images that have been magnified for review. 

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7D, News, Software 7D, News, Software

Canon 7D evolves - New Firmware 2.0.X

A new significant firmware update to the Canon 7D is eminent. The new firmware will bring significant enhancements to this already great camera.Speed, the 7D will now shoot 130 Large/Fine JPEGs or 25 RAW.  This compared to 126 and 15.  The big jump is for RAW files.  The shooting rate remains at 8 fps.The 7D will now be compatible with the Canon GPS Receiver GP-E2  using the 7D’s USB connector.  GEO Tagging is not possible with Video.For Video buffs the camera will provid custom audio recording.  The firmware will enable manual control of sound recording levels in 64 steps.  Visual indicators will warn you of custom recording.Something that Nikon has had now will be available in the 7D.  Customization for Auto ISO in M, P, TV, AV and B modes.  You will be able to set upper limits up to ISO 6400.  The 7D will always auto adjust ISO for best exposure.The firmware will now allow in camera processing to modify White Balance, Picture Style, Auto Lighting Optimizer, High ISO Noise Reduction, JPEG Quality, Color Space, Lens Peripheral Illumination Correction, Distortion Correction and Lens Aberration Correction to RAW images capture.JPEG images can be resized in camera from “L” to “M “ and from “M” to “S” JPEG.An in camera rating system will be available.  A five step star rating will be available during image playback/review.Using the “Q” or quick control button you will now be able to apply protection to images, rotate and resize then, see the highlight alerts and AF point displays.A real neat feature with this upgrade is custom file naming. You will be able to set the first four characters of the file name, no more _IMG.  Image quality can be applied to the file name too.How about this: “time zone settings”, you can not only define time zones, but also daylight savings time.Significant improvements in the speed of scrolling images that have been magnified for review.Unfortunately the release date is still up in the air but August looks like the month.See more on the Canon site

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7D, Flowers, Photography 7D, Flowers, Photography

Iris Close-up - the effect of white balance

Decided to do some close-up work this morning with an iris (indoors).  The flower was lit with two simple reflector based workman's lamps each with a 60 W incandescent bulb.  The first setup was created with auto white balance fooling the camera a bit to consider a cloudy situation thereby enhancing the warm tones.This next image is with a slightly different composition and crop created after doing a custom white balance to have color accuracy despite the mixed light.   Both images were photographed using the identical background.

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Great Meadows WLR - Concord

Woke up to blue skies and decided to check out Great Meadows.  There is not much happening except Canada Geese fighting for good nesting spots and Red Wing Blackbirds that were in abundance.  The dried up marsh grasses and cattails make for fairly drab backgrounds but for this image I decided to leave a lot of negative space while composing.  It is more like calling to the nothingness at Great Meadows today. 

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Boston Skyline March 19, 2011 Super Moon Night

While cleaning up bring to make more room on my Macbook for the upcoming photo tour and workshop to India next week I came across this image.  This was captured about a year ago on the night of the "super moon".  I am looking forward to doing a lot of night photography and time lapse images on this trip.  In particular the Taj Mahal - we will be in Agra the night after the full moon but hopefully will get some good opportunities.

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7D, Photographs 7D, Photographs

Cape Cod - Sunday Sept. 11

Got back late Saturday afternoon after doing my Macro and Close-up presentation in New York but had to do some shooting so decided to go and spend some time at the Cape.  The clouds were not looking good all afternoon but decided to take a chance and stayed for sunset.  This is the result - I guess just like the rest of New England the Cape is unpredictable.

Canon 7D, 16-35 mm at 24 mm, ISO 100, f14, 1.6 sec

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7D 7D

Cedar Waxwing

Cedar Waxwing500 mm, f5.6, 1/320 at ISO 400

Had planned to go down to Cape Cod today but the weather forecast was not the best so went looking for Waxwings instead.  One from this morning.   Also want to clear a misconception that a few fellow photographers had - the male and female have the same markings - the red tips do not indicate a male bird.


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Asiatic Lily and Sunflowers - July 25

A mid-day trip, first stop North Kingstown, RI to photograph the Asiatic Water Lilies.

Water Lily Bud

In Full Glory With One Gone By

Water Lily Montage

Next stop, Buttonwood Farm in Griswold, CT.  The heat was fairy intense but not as bad as on Friday.  Regret we did not stay for sunset which turned out to be quite good,  may go back this weekend or sooner as the second field was only in bud.

Sunflower Pollination

The Right Field

A Buttonwood Farm Dreamscape

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7D, Macro, Stacked Image 7D, Macro, Stacked Image

Maple Leaf Emerging (Macro)

Unfurling Maple LeavesCanon 7d - 24 to 70 f2.8 26 image focus stackExposure triad:  ISO 100 f5.6 1/25 sec

Spring seems to be in the air.  The azaleas are blooming and the maple leaves are emerging.  With the slight rain last night the ornamental maple looked gorgeous this morning. This is a stacked macro of a set of leaves unfurling.

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7D, Photographs 7D, Photographs


Canon 7D , 24 - 70 2.8
Exposure triad:  ISO 200, F16, 1/13 sec
Have been shooting images for my presentation and workshop in July.  This andromeda looked ideal for some texture. So here it is.
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Anther and Filament of a Maple Flower

Anther & Filament of a Maple FlowerCanon 7D, 100 mm Macro with a 1.4x teleconverter and two full sets of extension tubes for a total of 136mm extension.

This is an image of one of the anthers of the maple flower from the image posted yesterday.  Macro done well can be so much fun.  Mirror lock up and twenty five images at f2.8 stacked using Helicon Focus.

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Macro - Maple Flower Stack

Maple Flower Macro

Canon 7D, 100mm Macro lensExposure triad: ISO 100, f5.6. 1/3 sec.

Macro experiments - this is a 20 image stack of this maple flower.  Used Helicon Focus to do the stack.  The depth (front to back of the image) is 7/16 inch while the flower is about 1/4 inch.  The magnification is approximately 1.6X.  The image has absolutely no post processing or sharpening applied.

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