TULIPS - Stacked Image Capture

This is a version of the image shown below with textures and edge treatment.Canon 70 - 200, 2.8 IS lens - Exposure Triad f 5.6, 1/25 sec ISO 100This is a stack of 20 individual captures focus bracketed.

Looking to do something different with a few tulips that were a part on an arrangement brought over by a friend I decided on “Image Stacking” to attain great depth of field at a fairly wide aperture.  A Canon 7D with a Canon 70 - 200, 2.8 IS lens - Exposure Triad f 5.6, 1/25 sec ISO 100 was used for the two images as shown below.  Each image is a stack of 20 individual captures focus bracketed front to back.


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Photographs Photographs

Charleston South Carolina

The PSA Conference was absolutely fantastic.  Between sessions one did get some time to shoot.  I found Edisto and Folly beaches to be two of the most interesting photo locations.

Edisto Beach

Breakwater - Folly Beach - Charleston

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Educational Educational

Canon DSLR Custom Functions Explained

For those who attended the two session educational program on February 3 and 17 my slide presentation on Canon DSLR custom functions is now available.  Please click on the link below to launch the presentation in Quicktime.  Quicktime players are available at no charge from the Apple web site.  Click on the slide to advance to the next - your comments and suggestions are welcome.Canon Custom Functions (Web Version)

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Noise Reduction - Canon 7D and ISO 3200

Question: "Shiv, do you do much post-processing on images shot at ISO 3200 with your 7D? I have many such photos from our Costa Rica trip and wonder if I can improve some a little by reducing "grain"."Response: When you shoot at ISO 3200 you need to process using Canon's DPP for the initial Noise Reduction before you do any work in Aperture, Lightroom or ACR. Now you can bring the images into Photoshop and use NIK's Define if you have it or use the noise reduction in Adobe Camera Raw for further noise reduction if required - I find Define to be about the best.

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7D 7D

Canon 7D - ISO 3200

Jan 23, 2010 - Wakodahatchee Wetlands - Gator. I waited for the light to get really miserable - cranked the 7D to ISO 3200 and shot this image. The image has not been edited or cropped - i used Lightroom to export it to JPEG in the sRGB color space - no resizing. You may click on the image to see the full resolution. I AM HAPPY!!!!!!!

Gator - ISO Test


EOS 7D - 500 mm IS, 1/800 at f 10.0, -2/3 EV, ISO 3200
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7D, Noise Reduction 7D, Noise Reduction

Low and Poor Light High ISO experiments

Saturday Jan 23, 2010 - Wakodahatchee Wetlands once more. I did not see what the forecast was but was the light poor - dark clouds with an occasional break. Time to test the 7d as I wanted to yesterday. I will post my ISO 3200 image in a subsequent blog - a straight conversion from RAW to JPEG.

Came across a family of Black Crowned Night Herons at the entrance - too separated for a good family portrait. Shot a few individuals. There is a lot of nesting activity and this female flew by just as I had put a card into my 1D. 
Female Anhinga with Nesting Material


EOS 1D Mk II (my old faithful) 70 - 200 IS, 1.4x, 1/1000 at f 5.6 ISO 400
This big male gator comes swimming under the boardwalk and gets up on the island - boring - ok so after a while ......... a big yawn.
Gator Yawn
EOS 7D - 500 mm IS, 1/640 at f 8.0, ISO 1000
There has been a single spoonbill in the wetlands for a few days - always beyond the reach of my 500 and 1.4x combination. This morning this spoonbill flies over - a few flight shots (rear end mainly) but then it lands toward the entrance to the complex. As usual - one hour of him on one led head and bill tucked into his wing. An eternity and then some movement. A pick up my gear and head toward this specimen. What a display - bathing, splashing, preening, strutting - the works. Full breeding plumage - BEAUTIFUL - a mate is needed. The next three images are all the same bird.
I shot some video footage that I will try and post later.

Roseate Spoonbill Bathing
EOS 7D - 500 mm IS, 1/640 at f 5.6, -2/3 EV ISO 500

Roseate Spoonbill Preening
EOS 7D - 500 mm IS, 1/250 at f 7.1, -2/3 EV ISO 500


Roseate Spoonbill on the move
EOS 7D - 500 mm IS, 1/800 at f 5.6, -2/3 EV ISO 1000


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7D, Noise Reduction 7D, Noise Reduction

7D ISO 1000 Test

Friday January 22 - The light just kept getting worse as the afternoon progressed. I decided to go to Wakodahatchee and push the 7D a bit - ISO 1000 hand held. I was pleasantly surprised ............, next I will push it to ISO 2000 (only when the opportunity presents itself).

Great Blue Herons Ardea herodias Courting and Nesting
EOS 7D, 70 - 200 IS, 1.4x, 1/200 at f 5.6, ISO 1000
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Photographs Photographs

Sanibel & Ding Darling

Monday Jan 18 - A two and a half hour drive to Little Estero lagoon in Fort Myers Beach yielded nothing. I was hoping to get an image of the white morph - Reddish Egret. On to Sanibel Ding Darling WLR - a few roseate spoonbills in the distance and the usual compliment of shore birds.

The second pond was slightly better and this Reddish was preening presenting a decent photo opportunity.

Reddish Egret Egretta rufescens Preening
EOS 7D, 500 mm, 1.4x, 1/1000 at f 7.1, ISO 320
The remainder of the loop was unfruitful so I headed on to the fishing pier in search of the nesting Osprey pair. I wanted to capture images of them bringing in nesting material but was treated to one of the adults flying in with its catch and watch it devour it.
Osprey Pandion haliaetus feeding
EOS 7D, 500mm, 1.4x, 1/800 at f 8.0, ISO 320
Returned to Ding Darling before driving back to the East Coast. The light had improved and this roseate was strutting, bathing and preening.
Roseate Spoonbill Platalea ajaja display
EOS 7D, 500mm, 1.4x, 1/640 at f 7.1, EV -1/3 ISO 320
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Photographs Photographs

Green Cay Wetlands

Sunday January 17, 2010 It rained all morning but cleared up for a early afternoon trip to the wetlands. "...there is a sora in the weeds just past the first gazebo..." were the first words I heard as i approached the Nature Center. I have been trying to get a decent image of this creature but had failed on each prior attempt. Finally............

Sora - Porzana carolina
EOS 7D, 70-200mm IS, 1.4x, 1/500 at f 5.6, -1/3 EV
There are 2 or 3 pairs of Green Wing Teals in breeding plumage. The overcast sky prevents the display of the brilliant green - I need to get out there on a brighter day.

Green Wing Teal - Anas crecca
EOS 7D, 70-200mm IS, 1.4x, 1/640 at f 5.6, -1/3 EV

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