Photography Photography

Ithaca Falls - Ithaca, New York

A 6 hour trip to Ithaca to photograph the waterfalls and the milky way. The falls were great but we got thrown out of the park as we were setting up for the milky way images. No point in arguing with NY Cops.

Rocks and Reflections

Ithaca Falls as the Sun sets

Ithaca Falls

Heres a link to the Youtube video:

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Photography Photography

Cloudy Summer Sunset

Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Beautiful clouds at sunset in Cape Cod. the setting sun created some fabulous reflected light on the water. I did not want to slow the shutter too much - a 2.5 sec. exposure left just the right texture on the water.

Photographed with the Lumix S1R and the Lumix S Pro 24-70 f/2.8 lens. Exposure Triad: f/16, 2.5 sec, ISO 100.

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Photography Photography

"Live Composite" - Swift River

A "Live Composite" image captured on August 29, 2020, with the little Lumix G100 vlogging camera and the Leica 8-18 f/2.8-4 lens. The individual image exposure triad was f/6.3, 40 sec, ISO 400.

The in-camera composite is of 9 images that resulted in a full-resolution RAW file. After the first exposure, I light pained the rocks and trees in individual sections watching the screen as the exposures were combined and displayed. The image was processed, perspective corrected. and cropped slightly and then converted to B&W.

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Photography Photography

Milky Way - Coast Guard Beach

Made from 20 light frames with 2 dark frames by Starry Landscape Stacker 1.8.0. Algorithm: Min Horizon Noise

This was captured using the Panasonic Lumix S1H and the Lumix S Pro 16-35 mm f/4 lens. Exposure Triad: f/5, 20 sec, ISO 6400. Final image made from 20 light frames with 2 dark frames using Starry Landscape Stacker 1.8.0. Algorithm: Min Horizon Noise.

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Photography Photography

Valley of Fire Panorama

This is a 9 image panorama stitched using PTGui. The images were captured a little more than an hour after the sun had set. The rocks become intensely red in the afterglow.

Do click on the image for a larger view.

Panasonic Lumix S1R, 24-105 f/4 lens. Exposure triad: f/16, 1 sec., ISO 200.

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Photography Photography

Valley of Fire

White Dome

I had a little time to myself today so I decided to check out Valley of Fire State Park. It is a little over an hour from Las Vegas. By the time I got there, it was Noon and the light was not good. Also disappointing was the sky. There were no clouds even though while driving there the sky looked promising.

The image above was taken as the sun dipped behind one of the many ranges in the park. I was using the Lumix S1R with the 24-105mm f/4 lens. Exposure triad: f/16, 2 sec., ISO 100.

White Dome - another view

The next image is from a more direct viewpoint and captured shortly after the first image. For a brief moment, the colors in the sandstone just came alive. Exposure triad: f/16, 2 sec., ISO 100.

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Photography Photography

Peace and Tranquility

Lumix S1R, Lumix 24-105 mm, 10-stop ND filter.
f/10, 60 sec., ISO 200
Please click on the image for a larger rendition.

This image was captured earlier this year in Falmouth, Massachusetts.  At about 7:00 PM the sun was low on the horizon. I wanted to do a long exposure capture but these pilings had a flock of cormorants perched on them,  Fortunately, a noisy ski boat disturbed them giving me just enough time for this 60-second exposure.

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