Lighting Demystified Workshops - Status and Date Change
The workshop on April 15 is now full. April 22nd has two spots available. April 29th will now be held on April 28th as a number of photographers have requested a Saturday Workshop instead of Sunday.
Finding your style
A statement/comment I made on Facebook a while back keeps echoing. "When you find your style - your photography becomes your signature."The more I think of it the more real it becomes. So go out and photograph for yourself not for others - you will find your style.I reposted it and it stirred up a number of very interesting responses. So I added some fuel. Here is the post:About what's not. I am linking to an article that I loved - the best is stated by Ed Ruscha midway into the article -
New Pages - Photography Tips
I know there is tons of information on thousands of cyber space pages and probably an equal number of physical pages, but when I am asked a question of a friend need a tip or trick on how-to, where do I send them.........An easy response is "Google it", now they have to sift through pages and pages of articles from the simple to PHD level theory and this can become overwhelming.When asked last week, if I could help someone on a FB group with some pointers on photographing the moon I decided to create a page of "tips" on my web.The idea is to provide tips in no more than a single, easy to read page. A place on my site where you can create a book mark and have easy reference. This is not meant to contain multi-page articles - I will find another place for those.At this time I have added two tips and will add more. If you have an idea for a tip or just need one - please post a comment on this blog or email me. I will do my best to sequentially add to the page and segment the tip in groups as the volume grows.Here is a link to the "tips"
Lighting Demystified
Announcing three One Day Lighting Workshops April 15, 22, and 29, 2012. Each workshop is limited to 8 participants and is from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Workshops include a Pizza Lunch. Click Here for Details.Information on these and other workshops is available in the Workshops section of this web site.
Using Lightroom 3 Develop Module Presets in Lightroom 4
For Lightroom 3 users upgrading to Lightroom 4 or 4.1 who have lots of presets that are applicable in the develop module be cautioned. These LR3 presets will not have the same effect when you convert your image to PV 2012 (Process Version 2012)The best way to handle this is to select your image in the Develop module in LR4. Next select the preset and click on the exclamation icon on the lower right of your image. Using the pop-up dialog allow the update version to execute.Now you will need to make necessary modifications with the sliders in the basic panel as these are no loner the same as in LR3. Once you are satisfied with the results of your adjustments you can save this as a new preset.
Canon 5D Mk III support now available in the Lightroom 4.1 Release Candidate
Adobe labs had made available release candidate Lightroom 4.1 - This corrects a bunch of bugs and adds support for the Canon 5D Mark III.Click here for a link to the release
Comments from attendees of my last Macro and Close-up workshop on the 25th
I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of the participants for attending and helping make the workshop so enjoyable. I too learn from you during my sessions - photography is all about sharing and learning from each other. Thank you all for your wonderful feedback - I truly value and appreciate it.Here is what the participants had to say.I found the tips on how to do macro less expensively (Home Depot solutions) very valuable.I thought the presentation followed by the hands-on session was perfect. It allowed for questions to be answered and bugs to be worked out before you were alone trying it for the first time.I picked up lots of good tips in the morning session. All in all, an excellent day.Would like more hands-on - possibly a second day of all hands-on and outdoors.After hearing you speak last summer, I was looking forward to the workshop. Exceeded my expectations. Thanks, Shiv. Dan LoganShiv presented the overall basics of macro photography, but also gave specific training in Helicon Focus software. I appreciated advancing my macro skills with a technique I had not known. It was a very enjoyable day.I knew a lot of theory of Macro photography prior to the workshop, however I lacked the experience of actually taking images. Shiv's workshop gave me a lot of that experience. I had tried Helicon Focus about five years ago when it first came out. This workshop brought me up to date about Helicon Remote which automates much of the process of actually taking the multiple photos. This minimizes much of the manual frustrating work. Kent MessamoreShiv is truly a fantastic workshop leader. He shares all of his information with you freely rather than holding back "tricks of the trade". He is knowledgable and has come up with some ingenious ways of making your photography dollars stretch by making your own equipment rather than buying expensive gadgets. I look forward to taking another workshop with him in the very near future.Shiv is very technically knowledgable and has the organization to teach what he knows.Shiv delivers smoothly-paced training with lots of useful tips and plenty of visual examples, and he makes his expertise available during the hands-on session. A day well-spent.Shiv is truly a professional. His expertise is clearly evident. I would not hesitate to take another class with himIf you want to know more about macro and learn focus stacking this is a great workshop. The first part of the day is a comprehensive overview of different macro subject matter, as well as your "shopping list" and tips on saving money on the things you will need. The afternoon hands on part of the workshop has plenty of set-ups and items you can move around so you can shoot what interests you. Shiv is very patient and helpful, and will instruct on anything you ask to make sure you have a great experience.
Announcing Two Yosemite & Mono Lake - Photo Tours and Workshops in September 2012
Yosemite National Park is one of America’s most iconic landscapes offering some of the world’s most spectacular landscape photo opportunities. The valley is surrounded by high granite mountain walls carved by glaciers creating beautiful shapes. The waterfalls are spectacular as are the lakes and streams in the park.Mono Lake is unlike any other landscape in the world. Its beautiful tufas, alkaline water, desert-like vistas make it a remarkable place for photography. Sometimes it seems that you are on another planet or may be on a lunar surface. The late summer weather generally provides some interesting cloud formations.
Finally a universal camera plate that fits Arca-Swiss and Manfrotto Heads
Custom SLR a Kick Start funded company has released the M-Plate which is a universal camera tripod plate system that will work with either Manfrotto RC2 and Arca-Swiss mounting systems. it also include multiple attachment points for accessories. Priced at $75 it is made in USA.Note - this will not replace an "L" bracketClick here for more details on the Custom SLR web site.
Iris Close-up - the effect of white balance
Decided to do some close-up work this morning with an iris (indoors). The flower was lit with two simple reflector based workman's lamps each with a 60 W incandescent bulb. The first setup was created with auto white balance fooling the camera a bit to consider a cloudy situation thereby enhancing the warm tones.This next image is with a slightly different composition and crop created after doing a custom white balance to have color accuracy despite the mixed light. Both images were photographed using the identical background.
Items for Sale
For sale one slightly used Canon 50D body with original packaging and all original accessories.One used Canon 1D Mark II with all original accessories, one extra battery and the 110 Volt AC power supply.One brand new never used Tamron 90mm Macro lens.Call or email me for details.
Adobe Labs releases a public Beta of Photoshop CS 6
Adobe Labs had released a public Beta of Photoshop CS 6.You can download the Mac and Windows versions at the following link: have downloaded a copy and am installing it now. Stay tuned for my picks and comments on the new and updated features.
Canon - one big leap forward - the 600EX-RT radio based wireless flash
Canon's latest flash the 600EX-RT with built in radio-based wireless triggering that gives you full E-TTL and allows you to control 15 600EX-RT slave units (NO MORE LINE OF SIGHT). In my opinion this is a huge leapfrog over the competition. Yes everybody is talking about the 5D Mark III but this is the best new product – wow Canon!!! – you did listen to your customers and what an awesome response.To get the most out of these units you will need to marry the unit with either the %D Mk III or the new 1DX. You can arrange the remote flash units in groups for a total of five and have total control over each group. What is even more impressive is a flash head zoom range from 20mm to 200mm.Also impressive is Canon's ST-E3-RT wireless transmitter, which offers all the triggering functions built into the flash without the need for one unit on the camera.I am providing a link to Syl Arena’s blog where he provides his first impressions of these fabulous units. Click here.
Great Meadows WLR - Concord
Woke up to blue skies and decided to check out Great Meadows. There is not much happening except Canada Geese fighting for good nesting spots and Red Wing Blackbirds that were in abundance. The dried up marsh grasses and cattails make for fairly drab backgrounds but for this image I decided to leave a lot of negative space while composing. It is more like calling to the nothingness at Great Meadows today.
SW Florida Workshop Day 5 the last day
An early morning ride out to Little Estero lagoon, hoping to catch some of the great light as the sun comes over the buildings. The lagoon was well populated and had a lot of activity - both birds and photographers. There was another photo workshop that was at the same place at the same time.Here are a few images from the morning shoot. This is a slide show where images change in sequence so be patient as they load.
I was able to get a few nice images of the Little Blue Heron in its white phase:
Another one - both photographed with a Canon 7D and a 500mm F4.
Once we lost the good light we drove to Sanibel to Ding Darling. The loop is closed on Friday but we wanted to spend some time in the nature center and the gift shop. Lunch at Key Lime Bistro followed by some great ice-cream and we were off to Bunche Beach.Here is another slide who of the birds at Bunche Beach:
As the sun was setting we captured some great images before returning to the hotel. A very nice culmination to a great workshop.
This final image was for fun - the afterglow created some beautiful hues that I wanted to capture with a few skimmers in flight.
This concludes the trip report for the March 2012 SW Florida Workshop. I hope to see some of you participate in next year's workshop or any of the other photo tours and workshops that have been planned.
SW Florida Workshop Day 4
Tiger Tail Beach, Marco Island was the location for today. The weather was perfect for the beach and the birds.
A plethora of peeps including the least sandpiper. All the images in the gallery were photographed with a Canon 7D and a 500mm F4.
A Reddish Egret flew in and entertained us for quite a while:
An Osprey nest provided some great photo ops with parents flying in with fish - feeding the the single chick.
We decited to take a break and head for lunch. Dark clouds rolled in and while at lunch we had torrential rain. Fortunately we got a few breaks in the afternoon and were able to photograph a few burrowing owls on the island. We then headed back and further to Cape Coral for more Owls. The following are images from both locations.
SW Florida Workshop Day 3
Venice, Florida was the venue on today's agenda. First stop the Venice Rookery. Despite the decimation of the Brazilian Pepper bushes there is still plenty to photograph on the island.
All the images above were captured with a Canon 7D and a 500 mm F4 lens mounted using a Sidekick.As the light got harsh we left for the Venice Dump - yes the dump. The dump has an abundance of vultures and eagles but we were found Sandhill Crane pairs - eight of them.
The two Sandhill images above were photographed with a Canon 7D and a 500mm F4 lens.Lunch and then on to the fishing pier:
Both the Tern, Ruddy Turnstone and the two Gull images were shot with a 7D and a 70 - 200 mm F2.8 lens.We waited for sunset - dinner and back to Fort Myers Beach.
This last image was shot using a Canon 7D, 16 - 35 mm F2.8 lens and a Singh Ray VariND filter.All images in my florida posts with the exception of the Venice Pier were processed using Lightroom 4 only and no plugins. The Venice pier was processed in Photoshop CS5 with Nik Viveza and Nik Color Efex Pro plugins.
Macro and Close-up Photography Workshop - March 25, 2102
I will be conducting another Macro and Close-up Photography Workshop on March 25. The workshop is limited to a maximum of 10 participants. Please confirm participation at the earliest. Email or call 617-759-0010Click Here for Details - Macro and Closeup March 25