A few comments that have come in from the Cape Cod Workshop

We had a wonderful group of great photographers on this 4 day workshop. The cold, damp, cloudy and rainy weather did not prevent us from having a good time, a learning experience and some interesting photography, albeit the "Light of Cape Cod" was missing.I would like to thank each and every one who attended and to let you know how much your participation meant to me.The image above was captured at Highland Headlight AKA Cape Cod Light on the night of Super Moon - that is thick fog in the background.A few images from Dave Uliss as a slide show:photocrati gallery Here are some of the comments:Shiv's workshop was one of the best I've ever experienced. It was full throttle, non stop. The exercises(handouts); really helped me to stay focused and think about how to compose my images. I must say that I really began to see landscapes and subjects, with a new perspective. Most importantly, I captured images that I'm pleased with. I definitely will attend Shiv's workshops, in the future. Your time and money will be well spent. Paul Ware5/7/2012 4:11 PMYes, as I had started to share with you, on Sunday's coffee break; I began to feel as though in a meditative state of mind. Point of Rocks, although not a favorite spot was rewarding just the same. Eventually, an image came together for me.5/7/2012 4:11 PMYes, it covered far more than expected. Benefiting my growth as a photographer.5/7/2012 4:11 PMI would certainly recommend any of your workshops, to anyone. I was extremely pleased. Carole P. Kenny5/7/2012 3:41 PMIt was most helpful, and more than expected, thank you.5/7/2012 3:41 PMConsidering the weather I certainly admired your ability to have a meaningful lecture ready at all times. You had a seamless program, whatever the situation5/7/2012 3:41 PMeven with the gray skies and rain, the workshop was worth every penny.5/7/2012 11:18 AMIn spite of ridiculous weather conditions, Shiv was able to flexibly reorganize and regroup to make the most of a challenging situation. He is a great instructor and very approachable, responsive and encouraging.5/7/2012 9:28 AMShiv has a way of presenting material in a very clear manner. He is inspiring to all levels of photographers and is very accessible and helpful in the field as well as in the classroom. Susan Fahlund5/7/2012 9:24 AM

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News, Software News, Software

Adobe CS6

Final releases of the CS6 suite of products are now available on the Adobe site.  Upgrades are only available from the Adobe web site.  Please remember to uninstall any Beta versions before you try and install the final release.  Do not drag beta versions into the trash on a MAC or delete them in Windows.  Use the uninstall utility.

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Photography Photography

A few comments from the Lighting Demystified workshop

Shiv - I really enjoyed your workshop today. I will definitely save countless hours behind the computer fixing images after your lesson. I'm really excited to blend these techniques in with my stile of photography. I will look forward to other future workshops. Thank You, Pete Blancowas VERY pleasantly surprised to learn far MORE than expected!!!It was just right for one day. But I realized there was more to learn....which would absolutely require another day!

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Photography Photography

NiK Silver Efex Pro 2 Workshop by Janice Wendt

Nik Silver Efex Pro 2 is the most powerful plug-in available for creating superb black & white images. Digital Silver Imaging is hosting this workshop featuring instructor Janice Wendt, Nik Software’s Education and Training Manager. Janice has been called the “Image Whisperer” for her ability to use Nik Software to bring life and emotion into an image. Janice will focus on utilizing Nik Silver Efex Pro 2 in your post production workflow. Janice will demonstrate how you can save time and achieve amazing results in black and white.Who should attend? Any photographer or visual artist that has an interest in improving their black & white imagery. Anyone using or interested in Nik Silver Efex Pro.What to bring? This workshop is primarily instruction so only note taking material is required.When and Where? May 5, 10 am – 1 pm, 2012, at Digital Silver Imaging, 11 Brighton Street, Belmont MA 02478 (617) 489-0035How much does it cost? The cost of the workshop is $49, plus you will receive a $25 discount coupon for Nik Software or Printing Services from Digital Silver Imaging.

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Photography Photography

A few comments from yesterday's lighting workshop.

Shiv opened his home and provided a relaxed informal atmosphere which brought an energy to the group. His willingness to make sure all were on board before moving forward was appreciated by all. His clear, concise and direct approach to learning what "light" actually is will help in every venue of shooting (not just where to direct it but also how to capture it). Highly recommend this class to anyone who wants to learn a totally different approach to capturing light....and IT WORKS!I was VERY pleasantly surprised to learn far MORE than expected!!!4/25/2012 12:14 AMreally went beyond my expectations. i was very pleased with what was covered. thank you!4/23/2012 9:32 AM

The session was very helpful for me. I look forward to attending future sessions.

4/23/2012 2:42 PM

I really enjoyed this workshop. It gave me a great insight into the concepts of lighting, which of course is what photography is all about. Shiv is a great teacher and was willing to explain ideas until everyone "got" it. It was well worth coming to. I would recommend it to all who are seriously interested in photography.

4/23/2012 9:39 AM

Excellent seminar to learn about light and lighting. Shiv is very good at sharing his knowledge and ensuring that no one was left behind. Great combination of theory and hands on. Thanks Shiv!  Judy - Somerville

4/23/2012 9:32 AM

This is the second seminar I have taken with Shiv-they are informative in his application of useful DIY items as well as instructive in technique. I looked forward to his future seminars.

4/23/2012 6:07 AM

I had a great experience at your Lighting workshop. I am looking forward to taking more in the future. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and love of photography through your workshop.

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Feisol Carbon Fiber Tripods, Ballheads and accessories

I have been following the Feisol product line for some time now and have been very impressed with their products.  Their carbon fiber tripods and carbon fiber (yes carbon fiber) ballheads are well constructed, strong and will withstand the most adverse conditions.  I have finished a review of their Tournament Tripod Model CT-3442, a light folding 4 section tripod and their Arca Swiss compatible Carbon Fiber Ball-head Model CB50DC and will be posting this tomorrow.I will happily recommend these products to any photographer longing to buy a good tripod, upgrade their existing tripod or head or just get another one.I feel strongly enough to endorse their products and have become a Feisol affiliate.  There is a permanent affiliate link on my "Products and Discounts" page.If you wish to see more on Feisol products or to purchase, please click on the banner below to be directed to their site.2_feisol_banner_500_50

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Photography Photography

Parrot Tulip

Had an awesome group at today's lighting workshop.  Sitting at my computer after a full day, I decided to finish cropping an image I captured last evening.Canon 7D, 100mm f2.8 macro lens.  Exposure triad  f8 1/6 second ISO 100.  Lighting: Four lights - one to back light the flower two front and side with a 2:1 ratio and one light from below (front) with a snoot for concentration.

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Photography Photography

Two Additional May 2012 Workshops

Based on a number of requests I am doing another Macro and Close-up Photography workshop on May 12.  This workshop fills up very fast so please reserve your spot at the earliest.  Click Here for Details
As the May 2 Cape Cod workshop is over subscribed I am doing a new weekend "Light of Cape Cod" workshop May 18 to May 20.  Great room rates have been established for this workshop.  Click Here for Details

Here are some comments form the Macro workshop attendees:I knew a lot of theory of Macro photography prior to the workshop, however I lacked the experience of actually taking images. Shiv’s workshop gave me a lot of that experience. I had tried Helicon Focus about five years ago when it first came out. This workshop brought me up to date about Helicon Remote which automates much of the process of actually taking the multiple photos. This minimizes much of the manual frustrating work.Shiv is truly a fantastic workshop leader. He shares all of his information with you freely rather than holding back “tricks of the trade”. He is knowledgable and has come up with some ingenious ways of making your photography dollars stretch by making your own equipment rather than buying expensive gadgets. I look forward to taking another workshop with him in the very near future.If you want to know more about macro and learn focus stacking this is a great workshop. The first part of the day is a comprehensive overview of different macro subject matter, as well as your “shopping list” and tips on saving money on the things you will need. The afternoon hands on part of the workshop has plenty of set-ups and items you can move around so you can shoot what interests you. Shiv is very patient and helpful, and will instruct on anything you ask to make sure you have a great experience.Here are some comments from the "Light of Cape Cod" attendees:

I learned a lot about digital photography from this hands-on, highly flexible workshop, and met a great network of people with a shared interest in becoming better photographers.

The Cape Cod Light workshop was such an incredible learning experience. The sites selected to photograph the sunsets were just beautifiul. The entire group was so much fun and great to photograph with. I would like to thank Shiv and Monica for a fun filled weekend and am looking forward to my next workshop wiith them. Gail Shiv is a great instructor and a great time was had by all

It was a wonderful experience to be around the two of you. We learned so much. Both technically as well as rushing up our concepts. We also really value the personal touch. Thank you.


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Photography Photography

Cape Cod in April

As the days get longer and the relative position of the sun edges north the light on Cape Cod takes on a some beautiful tones.  Spring and Fall are gorgeous along the shores of the Cape.  Watching the tides and the patterns they create are spectacular, each beach has its own charm.  To capture the light of the setting sun the bay is the best.  Be patient, it will change, it is never the same twice. 

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The Use of Negative Space – Making Great Images

A few weeks ago I posted an image of a Red Wing Blackbird with a fair amount of negative space.  I have been asked a lot about the "negative space" so have posted a brief in my "Tips" section.  Negative space and its use is not new to art.  Centuries ago Asian art used negative space to define the primary subject and to draw emotional responses.So what is “Negative Space” – it is that area or space between objects or around an object but it is not a part of the object.  It could be considered that which defines the outline or the border of the object.  Yet it may or may not be the subject of your images.More 

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On Location Photography

On location photography, particularly for people and pets needs to be carefully planned and thought out.  Where you shoot is the key to how you shoot and what you will need to create the best image.  Your colors, lights, backgrounds, hair styles, clothing and makeup will be based on the location you pick.  Sure – you can take the easy way out – shoot in the studio.  That would be so convenient and you could do your photography blindfolded.  By the same token, don’t take your client to your downtown gazebo just because its there.  Sure it is convenient, but ask yourself, does the location suit the subject, do the colors work, does the mood work and most important will you capture an image that will stir some emotion in the viewer.  The gazebo is a nice place, but is it the best place – usually not.A well thought out location is one that will represent your client’s personality, their activities, their hobbies and pastimes.  It would not be appropriate to photograph a musician at a horse race track, nor would you photograph a jockey in his silks in a concert hall.  You get the point……..Every human has a personality it is this personality that identifies this individual and you, as a photographer must capture the essence of this in your photograph.  The place you identify as the stage for your image must not only compliment the personality but emphasize it. Remember that every subject is a unique individual, with their own personality.A successful portrait mandates your taking time to getting to know your subject, be it a person or a pet.  Ascertain what their likes and dislikes are, their favorite colors, locations, activities, etc.  In a short period of time you must get to know them.Portraying the individual and their personality becomes easier if the surroundings compliment the subject.  It is amazing how quickly a person will relax when they are put in a familiar place or a place that is representative of their preference. A comfortable and relaxed subject will provide you the opportunity to capture the personality not just a portrait.Once you have spent some time getting to know your subject you can scout out a suitable location.  Look for areas that provide diffuse light, keep in ming the time of day when you will be shooting.  If it must be an indoor location, try and set it up so as to have soft natural light, in the Northern Hemisphere, South facing windows are ideal.  Fill in with artificial light but rely on natural light.Another consideration for location choice that needs consideration is if the place is public or private.  Public places can be problematic for a shy subject or if the subject is self-conscious.  They may never become totally relaxed – and as a result you may find it nearly impossible to get a truly good portrait.  You too may face issues in public places, crowds, curiosity and other disturbances.The last point and probably as important is that your location and its elements must not be or become the dominant features of your image.  Remember you sought out the location to photograph your subject not the location.  Let the subject shine not the great location you proudly found.

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Lighting Demystified - Date Change April 29 to April 28

The April 29 workshop will now be held on April 28thThere are two spots open for April 22nd  - Yesterdays workshop was sold out and was awesome.Click Here for Details "Lighting Demystified Workshop"Here are some comments from the post workshop survey:

As an advanced amateur with limited lighting experience, this course gave me a good overview of lighting fundamentals and their application in a variety of challenging situations. In addition, this course will provide me with a good basis for future lighting exploration as I further my photography skill set. Thanks Shiv!

4/16/2012 9:14 AM

I learned a tremendous amount about lighting. Concepts were explained, misconceptions eliminated and techniques to succeed were taught. The best of all was how to do this without spending a ton of money on equipment!

4/15/2012 9:45 PM

The workshop was excellent, I am glad I was made aware of it from a fellow camera club member. I really liked Shiv's teaching style, he got into the technical details of light and made sure everyone understood each concept before he moved on.

4/15/2012 9:06 PM

I just spent a day at Shiv Verma's workshop on understanding Artificial Lighting. I came away from the workshop with a clearer understanding on the importance and the use of artificial lighting as well as the different types of lighting currently available. I highly recommend this program to the serious photographer interested in improving their skill set as well as gaining a better understanding on mastering light. Zig Cape Cod

4/15/2012 8:48 PM


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Photography Photography

New photography Classes - Novice to beginner and more

Announcing two new photography classes.  One for the real novice - suitable for non working parents, or someone who just wants to learn how to take better pictures.  Individuals with point and shoot cameras are welcome.  Classes will be on Monday mornings for two hours and will run for 4 weeks.   Click Here for details Photography Basics ClassThe second class is a photography one on one class that will be run on Monday evenings for 5 weeks.  This is for photographers who have advanced beyond the point and shoot and want to become better at making good images.  Click here for details - Photography 1-on-1See also "Lessons"

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