One Day Workshop Schedule

Workshop details are available from the Registration Page.
Macro and Close-up Photography
Flash Photography, High Speed flash, creative lighting
Portrait and Lighting Techniques
Digital Photography A-Z. This is a one day three part course that will teach you camera basics, post processing and printing.
The Digital Darkroom - a course that covers image capture, asset management, processing and enhancement, output to print and web media. A one day program for digital image making workflow
Timelapse Photography, post processing and video assembly
If you have any questions or would like more information please call 617-759-0010 or email
Please use this REGISTRATION link to register for these workshops.
"Dusk on the FlowerOf the white peonyThat embraces the moon."Gyodai - Haiku from the Edo period (1603 - 1868)
This image was inspired by Chinese/Japanese art where paintings of peonies proliferate. In this culture, it is not only the symbol of wealth and status but can also be a metaphor for female beauty. In Western culture the flower was named after the Greek God Paeon. The root of the white peony like many other plants is used for medicinal purposes.
As a photographer the beauty of this flower captivates and inspires me.
Since there is no direct translation of my name into Chinese, I had to create my own "chop" - an an S and a V.
Light Painting - Still Life
With all the snow and not many places to go, a little light painting seemed to be the thing to do yesterday. This also gave me the opportunity to test out the Zeiss Touit 32mm f/1.8 lens. Mounted on the Sony A7R in crop sensor mode the lens performed flawlessly. There was a fair amount of ambient light at 4:30 in the afternoon so I stopped down the lens to f/16 at ISO 50 that allowed an 8 second exposure. Individual portions were light painted and three images combined to create this final composite.Please click on the image for a larger rendition.
Star-trails in the Southern Hemisphere
Finding Polaris or the North Star is easy in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, finding Sigma Octantis is very difficult. The star lies in the constellation of Octans and has a magnitude of 5.5 making it barely visible even on a clear night. One can use the Southern Cross to make an attempt at locating its position but it will never be really accurate. I did my best and set up my cameras to do a time-lapse. This was the night Germany played Brazil in the World Cup.My tripod and camera must have aroused the curiosity of the night security guard at Eagle Island Camp. He kindly moved my rig to a more secure position on the tiles of the swimming pool. This was after 395 images had been captured with about 105 to go. Sequence disrupted but in my opinion the stack is interesting. Sigma Octantis is in the top left corner of the frame - INVISIBLE.Stars in Africa are incredibly bright as indicated by the EXIF data. These images were captured using the Panasonic Lumix GH4 and the 12 to 35 mm Lumix Vario lens. Exposure triad: f/2.8, 13 sec, ISO 200 - no noise reduction required.In hindsight, I should have added an ND filter and increased the exposure to 25 seconds or closed down the aperture to f/4. This would have extended the individual trails.Your comments would be appreciated.